I like London in the rain

Finally, here is my first report from the UK right on my brandnew own weblog.

I was told so many times how exciting London is, and I can only say, they’re right. Of course, not everything is better here. E.g. Most of the pubs still close at 11pm… But in any case, it’s real fun to find out about what’s different. So I had to learn that the majority of mankind actually drives on the wrong side of the road. Do you know why? I was told that as most soldiers were right-handed and thus used to wear their swords on the left (in order to pull them quickly), two of them would pass each other on the left hand side. Doing this, their swords wouldn’t clash. Very plausible, don’t you think?
But this is by far not everything that is different from Berlin. Birds sing other songs, womens perfums all tend to have a new smell and last but not least, many of them are wearing short skirts, even in winter. I definitely don’t mind.

Here are a few first impressions. Further reports are coming up soon.

From Russia With Love

Here are two brandnew snapshots from the solemn presentation of the russian edition of “Faszination der Bühne“, a book i designed some years ago at school. It’s really exciting to attend this cultural exchange, which is enabled by the Ostaniko Theatre, Moscow. Everthing is really impressive, much different from what i had awaited.

Beside that, i just started loving the cyryllic typefaces (well, actually not only the typefaces).

Lustobjekt | First Ideas

1. Unsee
Anhand der entfernung des auges zu einem bildschirm wird die position des blinden flecks ermittelt und ein bild (schrift) an dieser stelle platziert, allerdings minimal größer als der blinde fleck selbst. bewegt man das auge, wird auch das bild bewegt, so dass man mühe hat, es wahrzunehmen.
bei 28 cm abstand zum screen liegt der blinde fleck beim linken auge etwa 8 cm links vom sehzentrum.

2. Clay of light
Eine knetbare masse, die sich bei verformung an den druckstellen erwärmt und leuchtet.

3. Motor Start Principle
Die Lust, die durch das Ziehen an einem Seilzugstarter (auch Reversierstarter) und mit dem damit verbundenen Geräusch entsteht, findet ihren Höhepunkt im dem Moment, wenn der Zündfunke den Motor in Bewegung setzt. Magnetzünder rules!