Construction draft 2

After thinking about the first draft a bit longer, I realized that it needs another ring in order to create a nice threedimensional shape. So the top view is based on a hexagon now.
In this draft, the steel wires are unrolled to both sides. This should work better for the symmetric change.

Construction draft 1

After I stopped researching for small helicopters, I went back to my first idea of shapeshifting. Ball-like-shaped objects are supposed to be able to change their size in all three dimensions. I want to avoid the use of pneumatics, so i’m going about a mechanical construction.

The construction is a simple wireframe model of a ball, to be covered with a soft extensible cloth. This is the first attempt for the underlying mechanics.

New portfolio online

If you were ever wondering, what I was doing during the last weeks and months, here’s the result: my new portfolio website is finally online.

Panta rei (everythings flows), like the Greek say. So the news are now going to be available at

Blog actually sounded like somebody choked on some bad stuff, so the new stuff will be continued from here: NEWS. Nothing more and nothing less. No homage to another hype. Something most people will understand. And even if they won’t understand the content, they at least get the picture.